Really, these financial services firms are SHAMEFUL...and just plain get on my last nerve.
Situation 1:
Back in December, all was going well but the cash flow was a little off due to the holidays and people just taking their sweet old time. My mortgage payment is due on the first, but I have until the 15th to pay with no late fee. Great. I finally receive funds and I deposit the check thinking that all is well, and the payment will make it on time. Keep in mind this is a pretty much guaranteed check and the funds could have been debited from the payor pretty quickly. So I look online the next day and see that they have placed a 5 day hold on the funds. Problem is, the funds will be released AFTER the 15th. I promptly call Thieving Ass Bank and tell them what the issue is, and ask them if they can release the funds. After a lot of back and forth the answer is NO. Well ok, if you can't release the funds, the payment will be late...simple as that. I can't pull the money out of my ass, you see the funds are deposited into the account, what more do you want?( Ya'll are not stressing me out, making me add medical bills on top of triflin amount student loan debt I have.) Payment gets made a few days late, I get them to forgive the late fee and all is well right? I continuously get calls for Thieving Ass Bank inquiring about my next months payment.
I definitely take responsibility for my part...and OK, I understand the whole "make sure they get their money" but I'm saying... does my 3 years of on time payment and 700+ credit score not speak for itself? Have you ever not got your money from me?
Situation 2:
I check the credit cards and notice that CC#1 has more than doubled my rate: from 6.9 to 14.4%, & CC2 (had a zero balance) reduced my limit from thousands of dollars to $300. Yes, I use my cards, (admittedly, the have been used a lot as of late) but they get paid on time (if not early) every month. I have been a card member for more than 10 years. Really...whats the deal?
This is quite frustrating. As a regular person....I can now understand and fully appreciate why people tend to say "F**K IT" and not be bothered...claim bankruptcy and start over in 7-10 years...and often a lot sooner than that. Its almost as if you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
As a financial coach, I am keeping my wits about me and retooling the financial freedom game plan so that I can free myself from this unchained slavery called debt.
It seems quite odd that I would go through a situation like this, but it just goes to show you that:
(1) I am human
(2) As a small business owner, I am not immune from cashflow issues.
(3) These institutions are fair weather friends, have issues and I shouldn't take any of this personally. You are their friend when your money is right. When things get tight...forget yourself. I understand the reasoning behind their actions...but dude...seriously. Besides, who are they to judge, they are the ones going bankrupt, not me.
(4) I need to stay EVEN MORE on top of my spending plan and keep a watchful eye on cash flow and dates. I also need to take my own advice and rethink my relationships with these shameful financial institutions. I think I need to explore working with local banks where I can build local relationships and be treated with the respect I deserve as a client. "I want to go where everybody knows my name" (c) Cheers!
It use to be that folks who were not responsible with their funds, felt the brunt of the financial smack down...BUT as a result of the current financial issues, slower economy and the tightening of the credit markets, folks who had good credit, good cash flow and a decent amount of cash, are now facing the same financial smack down.
I ask you Mr. Greedy Ass Bank. WHY do you think that DOUBLING an interest rate is going to HELP someone pay their bill any easier? What kind of FOOLISH reasoning is that? So that you can spend more money, paying people to chase down debtors and eventually charge the debt off? No wonder your company is in bankruptcy you big dummy. That line of reasoning makes NO SENSE. If you ...big greedy ass bank...think that I am having "issues"....why not cut me a the break that you got from the federal govt? Pass that helping hand around.
Does loyalty and stellar payment history count for nothing? In these times no, but maybe...just maybe, if I damn my financial record to high hell, someone will come and bail me out too. Word.
Of course, I am not going to do that, but again, it just lights a fire under my tail to get my financial action plan in full gear. It also reminds me that this is what I signed up for when I agreed to leave my well paying job to become an entrepreneur.
AND CCB, I am warning you now, if I get one more "courtesy call" me asking about my payment (which already was submitted)....they will get the WHAT FOR.
Rant Done...Going to Rework my Game Plan
Settle in for A Snake of A Year
4 weeks ago
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